Embarrassed about watching Hentai (Part 3)?
People ask a lot about: If there was a God, why doesn't he DO something about this or that. Why does He allow this or that to happen?
Well, He did do something.
God ripped out the most mutated gene out of our world by way of the flood. He let Noah live because he was a righteous man and perfect in his generations (Genesis 6:9)--meaning his DNA wasn't as flawed as most. Unfortunately, some of the mutant seed was in one of his sons (later on that). God took out Sodom and Gomorrah to get rid of that mutant seed. He even got rid of our way of thinking that "anything is possible" (Our fantasies, our imagination) with that incident with the tower of Babel, because we wouldn't be able to handle that type of thinking. We would start thinking we were like God and really start to mess things up. So He stopped the creation of that tower of Babel NOT because they were trying to "build a tower to heaven" like so many say. That line was just a description of how monumental the tower would be. They wanted to build something GREAT, something so HUGE that the size of it would reach heaven. It was just a description of this greatness that they were going to achieve. There was two (2) reasons why man wanted to build this tower: 1) "to make a name for themselves" and 2) so that they didn't have to scatter about the Earth. They wanted to stay in one location and feel GRAND. God ended that real quick (Genesis 11:6--by the way, He did not destroy it the tower of Babel. That's not even mentioned in the Bible). And why can't mankind be Grand? Because we all know what happens when people are BIG HEADED, too much "pride", and think they can do ANYTHING. They begin to think that they're above the law and really start to hurt people. So God stopped the tower of Babel from being built, forced man to scatter, by creating multiple languages so they couldn't communicate anymore with each other (which would be very hard to do when constructing a monument) to stop that blasted mutated seed of destruction...again.
God even gave Moses all those Commandments where they had to kill anyone who broke them, trying to get that mutated seed (called sin), at least the extreme seeds, out of us. Anyone who had sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death. If you fight with your parents: death. If you have sex with your sister, brother, father, mother, in-law: death (yeah, by this time, incest was no longer needed). If you sleep with another man's wife: death. If you rape a woman: death. If a woman lies about her virginity to her new husband, and he takes her to court and proves she was lying: she's put to death (Exodus 20 and Leviticus 20 and Deuteronomy 22). All of this is perverted and needed to be destroyed. It had to be Taken Out! So death to those who contain the extreme mutated seed!
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Kill! Kill! Kill! |
Some see the Old Testament as a God of revenge, anger, rage. How about seeing Him as someone who kept those nasty, mutated seeds out of our bloodline; but we, who have Free Will kept messing it up. I mean, come on. Cain's great,great,great, grandson, Lamech went and killed some young man who had "wounded" him, whatever that means (I take it the young guy said some words that upset him and Lamech killed the guy). Then Lamech used the excuse that he shouldn't be put to death because Cain wasn't, and then scared everybody saying that if they did kill him, God will take revenge on them, worse than if someone had killed Cain (Genesis 4:24). Liar. God didn't say that. Lamech did.
So Lamech "murdered", just like his great,great,great, grandfather Cain. And he got away with it with a "lie" and putting fear into people.
And Sodom and Gomorrah? That sin came with the curse of Canaan, Noah's grandson. Noah's youngest son, Ham, instead of covering up his drunken father, Noah, he basically "gossiped" about Noah's nakedness to his brothers, who, showing honor, covered their father up and turned their heads so that they didn't see Noah's nakedness. Then Noah, finding out what Ham did, cursed Ham's son, Canaan, and then stated that Canaan had to be a slave of both, not one, but both of his uncles (Genesis 9:18-27). So now Canaan, I'm sure, start growing this seed of "Hate" because now he's a slave because of what his father did (sins of the father), and that seed showed up through his descendants that were all in Sodom and Gomorrah. And we know what happened to those two cities (Genesis 19:24).
Lie. Gossip. Murder. Pride. Hate. All starting in the beginning...and growing.
So, back to that question of: why do we really watch slash, hentai, porn?
We can't help it. We're mutated. We have the mutated seeds that the Bible calls "sin". It's in us. And the best example of what we are is Cain.
Things became out of hand, down right disgusting. God squashed it a few times because love wasn't enough to set us right, we needed good ole fashion punishment, fear, to keep doing right. And He kept trying. God did his final act of Love and he sent his son down to help us out. To show us how we can become better and rule over this sin--that we didn't have to stay a mutant. We can change. Our blueprint on how to get out of this mess. But like Cain, we let the mutation take over us. We let it rule over us. We don't rule over our sins. We have all become slaves to whatever that has mastered us, trying to find our freedom, someone, in some other way. Trying to find our release. For in this world "Love" isn't enough.
Cain and Canaan were the first, the bitter roots, that have grown up and are causing trouble and defiling many (Paraphrasing Hebrews 12:15 again), and "the many" includes us. And, unfortunately, when people say that its "Hell on Earth" they're kind of stating truth, because with that bite of the fruit, Satan does now rule this world--2 Corinthians 4:3-4. (See more about this here: Satan Rules the World). God doesn't rule this world. No, He doesn't. So we can now understand why he "let's" these bad things happen, because He's not ruling us. We rule us, with our Free Will, and this is Mutant domain.
So NOW do you know "the why" you watch porn, slash, hentai? It's because of that darn mutated DNA, which is worse than ever, because it has been given thousands and thousands of years to grow and become even darker and evil than ever before. Those seeds have been passed right down to you. You might have been violated or hurt in your life by someone who also had been violated and hurt (violence beget violence; hurt beget hurt); and if you haven't been violated, then you better go ask your parents. Ask your grandparents. Because one of them, a wrong has been done, and passed that seed down to you. The hate has festered inside of you, and the Ethic of Reciprocity is being passed down. You give what you get.
HATE - is an object of your disdain
So, morally, we try to be good, we try to hate evil (Let those who love the Lord hate evil...Psalm 97:10), but we can't seem to get that darn sinful seed out of our DNA. We can't. And since goodness is all purity, and purity is immortal, then we're all are bound to die.
However, how about taking a step towards ruling the mutation. Converting it. Giving it a name and taking back control.
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