Greetings Programs!

Heh. Heh. I gottah say my favorite quote from Tron (1982)....

Well, enough of that. Why are you here? Oh yeah. What's this site for?

This site is a mix of: cultural life, the unexplained, and BELIEF. There are just some things that you can't make sense of because they're just TOO DARN WEIRD! Yet, there's something about these "weird things" that make you want to, well, I don't know, Believe.

Thus, the Allocated Belief is created where Belief is equally distributed within myself on all things believed in the world.

I have a very light humor in the statements that I make on these beliefs, and I do this just to bring a sense of ease to things that are so hard to swallow. Do not be mistaken that I do NOT believe; quite the contrary. My personal jounrney to reserach questions, to find some answers, to understand things that "just didn't sit right," has brought me to a place where my faith has become stronger than it has ever been!!

So this site is dedicated to:

  • Thoughts,
  • Theories,
  • Beliefs (Oh, my!), and
  • Ponderings (like *the plan and *knowledge) of The Mysteries of the World!!

My favorite quote from The Hound of the Baskervilles author Arthur Conan Doyle:

The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.


Thanks for stopping by .





Observe the Obvious!