Why does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?


  • Why does God allow suffering? Why worship a God who allows you to suffer?
  • Your God isn't a loving God; He Kills!
  • Who let's his own son to be tortured and killed?
  • If there was a God, why did He let this or that happen?!


These are questions and reasons why people do not believe there is a God.

To sum it up, here are my favorite quotes from the Devil's Advocate (1997) With character John Milton, played by Al Pacino, as the Devil.

John Milton: Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off! He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER! plandeviladvocate

Kevin Lomax: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven", is that it?

John Milton: Why not? I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I've nurtured every sensation man's been inspired to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections, I'm a fan of man! I'm a humanist. Maybe the last humanist.

Sin is knocking at our door. It's everywhere. AND it allows Satan to rule this world today. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). See more about this here: Satan Rules the World.....).

As the Mutant Humans, that we are, (See Knowledge), we tend to forget things and leave things out and not see the entire picture about WHY we suffer.

Okay. So, let's tie this all together.

In the Beginning (those favorite words again), EVERYTHING was good. That's what people tend to forget--everything was good...before the fall of man. Just go to Genesis and see it. The word GOOD is EVERYWHERE in Genesis: the light, the seas, the land, the animals in the air and in the sea, and it was good for man to have a help mate (or helper). ALL of these things were GOOD.

Everything that was created was GOOD. Suffering wasn't created. Nothing was evil or bad.

Then the fruit thing happened, and everything went downhill from there.

Why was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil put there in the first place? ("Look...but don't touch!"). Why put that type of temptation in a place that's all Good?

Let's look at it this way. What's underneath your kitchen sink? Think about that for a second.....

Now, think about a child inside the house.

You with me?

So....why they heck would you have poison in your house when there's a child running around? (Look...but don't touch." ).

So why was that Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil put there?

Heck. Try explaining the reasons to a child about the use of Draino and Clorax Bleach. It was there for a reason. I figure it was a power plant of some kind to help out maintaining the garden and the land. Who Knows?

Whatever it was, it would have been hard for God to explain the WHY to newly created "toddler-minded" Beings. It wouldn't have made sense anyway. So keep it simple. If you eat, or even TOUCH, that tree in the middle of the garden...you're gonna die. Period.

Sounds like a good explanation to me.

One could argue: So why didn't He Baby Proof the place! Make it hard to get to the Tree. Why did He leave that serpent in there to tempt Eve?

And my answer would be: Have you ever heard of, or even seen, a child get through Baby Proof obstacles? With determination, a Human Being can DO anything. We were made that way. We were made to have power ourselves.

This also goes along with those types of statements and questions like:

  • God didn't have to make it this way.
  • God could have done this; or God should have done that.
  • Why did God do that when He knew this would happen?

I have one thing to say.

So...you wanted to be created as a drone.


Yep. That's what you're saying. You want to be a drone. You're saying that you don't want to be able to think for yourself. You're saying you don't want to make decisions. You're saying that you don't want A CHOICE. What you are saying is that you don't want any power, whatsoever, and nothing to do with feelings (i.e. love).

The bottom line is: God did not create a drone. He didn't want to. What would be the fun in that? He created something like Himself and wanted something different besides the angels. What's exciting about a drone? One can't have meaningful discussions with one! With this creation, Mankind, He could take all the other things that He created, and give Mankind partial "creation responsibility".

"Hey, creation, you're useful. Yeah, you. Man. To show you how useful and important you are, you're in charge with naming everything I've created." And thus, a relationship was formed because Humanity became a member of God's beginning family and could feel like a part of something because the creation has a job. A good job too. God let him name every living creature and God took pleasure watching what the Creation would call each living thing (Genesis 2:19).

Naming is a powerful thing. If you name it, then you have power over it. We were created to think, to love....and to have power (2 Timothy 1:7)

Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.


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Observe the Obvious!